Strengths of Silvio Berlusconi 1. He passed a law to keep a girl in a coma alive. This has brought much controversy to his name. 2. He believes that no one should have the plug pulled on them 3. He has received much backing from the pope and the Vatican in this issue and sides with the Vatican a lot 4. He is a symbol of hope for Italy as he was not born into riches but made his fortune by himself 5. He has not quit getting elected three different times to the office of Prime Minister of Italy Weaknesses of Silvio Berlusconi 1. Owns T.V stations and when he creates controversy he makes a lot of money off of the controversy 2. He is portrayed by sum as someone who is in politics for the money 3. The girl’s father who was in a coma wanted to pull the plug and Berlusconi did not follow his wishes 4. He has been brought up on corruption charges six times, but acquitted all of the time 5. He has had plastic surgery
Legitimate Strength/Weaknesses 1. Greedy- benefits from his controversies by broadcasting it on his T.V stations 2. Cold Hearted- The girl’s father wanted the plug pull so he could move on with his life but he did not follow his wishes 3. Persistent- Elected three time to office after he lost a few times 4. Corruptible- Corruption controversies always surround him 5. Hard Working- Built his fortune by him self
These articles are not bias towards Italy’s prime minister because they simply present the facts in these articles. "Profile: Silvio Berlusconi ." BBC. 15 April 2008 . 9 Mar 2009>. aloisi, Silvia. "Italy's PM seeks law to keep comatose woman alive." International Herald Tribune. February 8, 2009.>.
From the two articles, the two “admirable” leaders are Obama and Adrian Peterson. Both of them are committed to doing what’s best for them and what’s best for the whole team. In this case, Obama is trying to unify the whole world into one. As Peterson is helping his football have faith in them and win games. In Obama’s article, Obama is committed to help Afghanistan and all its war problems. Obama shows great leadership and he listens to all the concerns. "Yesterday, Mr. Obama accepted and approved the path of peace and talks with those Afghan Taliban who he called moderates," (Salahuddin). If a great leader listen, then he’s not only great but he can drive this new nation in a new direction. In Peterson’s article, as a young man, he is quickly growing to be a great leader. To help win a game in less than 2 minutes, gives him and his whole team respect towards him. Not only showing that he’s great, but his whole team and state. As himself he knows he helps a lot, "And there's nothing wrong with that because you've got guys that listen. Even older guys sit there and listen to things you say. I just want to get those guys wired up." (Krawczynski). These leaders show commitment and sacrifice to everyone. I do not believe there’s a biased towards the person. They are trying to help out everyone.
Strengths for Obama/ Peterson 1.Both have great commitment towards what they do. 2.Obama is great listener and cares about other country that are in need for help. 3.Peterson drives the team to the best. 4.Helps out in a better way. 5.Is trustable and other foreign countries can trust US as a whole nation.
Weaknesses for Obama/Peterson 1.Over powering- can lead to self centeredness 2.Dependability- can Obama change it this way? 3.War like- would foreign countries fight again. 4.Lasting- would Peterson last as long as he can 5.Motivation- do they both have the power to stay.
Barack Obama shows many strengths and few weaknesses in hi political image. He is a loving father and Husband. Obama will do things that do not just better his own life but better the lives of others. No these articles are not bias because they come from foreign newspapers.
strengths 1. He is a symbol to the black movement for equal rights 2. He believes in stem cell research 3. Intelligent in his ideas 4. Shows Optimism 5. Has the ability to treat other with equal opportunities
weaknesses 1. will obama really change every thing 2. will obama pass through the pressure and have the ability to stay for more than 1 term 3. what other countries think of him 4. will he become different from the man that people voted for
Strengths 1. Was a key ally with Bashir 2. Leading advocate for imposition of Islamic law 3. Central figure in Sudan for decades 4. Leader of the Bloodless Coup in 1889 5. Wanted to help the people in Darfur
Weaknesses 1. Linked to Islamism rebel justice equality movement 2. Supporter of Osama Bin Ladan 3. Was arrested for a press comment about former ally Bashir
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses
1. He is a strong caring advocate for Sudan. 2. Cares about the equality of others 3. Wants equal right for all 3. Doesn’t always know how to handle situations 4. Speaks his mind weather it be good or bad;
The author seems more bias towards the favor of Turabi. In the article, not much bad is said but the good things are stated more often.
Sudan. Islamist leader released BBC News One Minuet Real News. 9 March 2009. BBC News.9 Mar . 2009 Http://
Strengths: 1. Time magazine describes Obama as "an American political phenomenon" 2. Obama has a clear and calm speaking method 3. Respects peoples intelligence. 4. Obama gives benefits for the poor and unemployed 5. Time magazine describes Obama's methods as "pushing the process along, streamlines it"
Weaknesses: 1. CNN describes his weakness with foreign affairs 2. Becomes to much of a friend to the crowds, rather than a leader 3. Seems like a celebrity to the people 4. Filibusters his speeches
Legitimate strengths and Weaknesses: 1. Obama has a clear and calm speaking style-That is an essential when being a president 2. Filibusters his speeches-Although he speaks well, it is not good to filibuster 3. Obama gives benefits for the poor and unemployed-That will be a huge help for him in his presidency 4. Foreign Affairs-He definitely wants good relations with other countries 5. Too friendly with crowds-It is good to be friendly with crowds but you want to be a leader, not so much of a friend.
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not? Yes, so many newspapers and other things are extremely biased, especially with politics. So there are many for and against Obama
1. Successfully removed the KGB government from power. 2.Confident in every action he makes. 3.Clear about his beliefs. 4.Put Russia's stock market in the top three best performing in the world. 5.Sees terrorism as a profound threat to the world.
1.Can be boastful. 2.Comes off as a very aggressive person. 3.Did person of the year get to his head?
Legitimate Strengths and Weaknesses
1.Confidence provides him with a way of motivating others. 2.Aggressiveness and somewhat rudeness could scare others. 3.Demonstrates power(removing KGB from government). 4.Turned Russia in to a much better country. 5.Is more feared than seen as a celebrity (like Obama).
The two articles I found were in no way bias towards Putin; one of them was from an American Magazine.
"Person Of The Year." TIME 2007.
Nash, Roland. "Putin's Strength." New York Times 31 May 2003.
Strengths: 1. The first women ever elected President in Africa 2. Believes in equal rights for woman 3. Strongly fights for educational opportunity's for people in her country of Liberia. 4. Served as a Liberian Cabinet Minister in the 1970's 5. Senior United Nations administrator in the 1990's
Weaknesses: 1. Will President Sirleaf ever be able to put the country of Liberia back together again? 2. Has little aid from foreign countries 3. Is forced to not upset donor countries, and has little power over the aid that they give
Legitimate strengths/weaknesses: 1. Bravery- was imprisoned for opposing the military rule of Samuel Doe 2. Determination- Has fought for equal rights of women many years 3. Intelligence- Fled her impoverished country of Liberia and received a Harvard education
There is no bias towards President Sirleaf. The article simply praises all that she has done for her country.
Strengths Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas of Palestine.
1. Negotiator: Can negotiate and communicate about the problems of Gaza to the UN and USA for help needed. 2. Committed: A leading figure in the student movement before graduating from Islamic University and entering politics. 3. Hospitable: within days of being elected, offered long-term peace if Israel recognized Palestine as an independent state on 1967 borders. 4. Thinking independently: Hamas had a pool of talent that might have governed wisely given the chance. He was assassinated soon after being elected. 5. Popularity: Hama's popularity stems largely from its social, educational and health care programs.
1. Hypocrite: Many people are sick of the hypocrisy and double standards of how the government is run in Palestine. 2. Fulfilling obligation: Failure to deliver justice in the Holy Land 3. Immoral: Despite no Israelis being harmed, Israel used these harmless and rocket and mortars and mortar attacks as an excuse to obliterate and the defenseless Palestinians. 4. Indecisive: When Israel refused to meet the humanitarian demands, Haniyeh and Hamas refused to continue the truce, as it had promised and as Israel knew would happen. 5. Ignorant: Unaware of Israel's provocations and shrewd manipulation of the facts which allowed them to seem innocent and carry out a diabolical plan to destroy the Palestinians.
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses
1. Selfish; Hamas rejects peace moves that involve more territorial concession. 2. Settle situation with violence instead of peace. 3. Broadcast and take action when attacked. 4. Resistant; the west condemns the charter, which was written well before Hamas had pretensions to government. It was expected that Hamas took a religious inspired resistance movement toward the west. 5. Irresponsible; Ferocious attack on a defenseless Gaza conveys a helpless feeling to the world. President Nicolas Sarkozy was quoted as he "Strongly condemns the irresponsible provocations which led to this situation as well as the disproportionate use of force."
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not?
I thought the article wasn't bias because it had came from the Palestine chronicle newspaper, in which what was said about this leader sounded true and sufficient in understanding how he rule his country.
Lieberman, Dan. "World Leaders Respond Timidly to Gaza Massacre." 28 Dec. 2008. 9 Mar. 2009
Littlewood, Stuart. "Be Fair to Hamas, Mr. Obama." Http: // 25 Feb. 2009. 9 Mar. 2009.
1. Submissive 2. Easily Controlled 3. Stuck in the Present 4. Likes to be in Control 5. Blindly Loyal to the Rules
Legitimate Strengths/Weaknesses
1. Resourceful => “Using mainly Sunni Muslim leader to employ locals to patrol their own neighborhoods” (Salahuddin) 2. Integrity => “Karzai, who faces reelection… says that the Taliban should take this opportunity to end the 30 year long war. 3. Cooperative => Working with new president Obama to try to restore balance to Afghanistan. 4. Submissive => Follows along and agrees with Obama’s plans, provides few original ideas for negotiating peace. 5. Blindly Loyal to the rules => Refuses to change constitution, even if it could help the stability and negotiations with the Taliban.
Is there a bias: In the International Herald Tribune, it seemed that Karzai was treated neutrally, with neither emphasis on his strengths or weaknesses. In The New York Times, however put an emphasis on his weaknesses. He was depicted as more power hungry and uncompromising in the American article.
Salahuddin, Sayed. "Afghan leader Karzai backs Obama's call on Taliban." International Herald Tribune 08 03 2009 9 Mar 2009
Oppel, Richard A., and Sangar Rahimi. "Afghan Leader Deflects Talk of Future." The New York Times 07 03 2009 9 Mar 2009
Obama is a very strong willed and driven person. He will do what ever it takes to accomplish the tedious tasks of president in the hope of betering the living conditions and the lacking American economy. The first article is biased but only in the sense of dislike toward Presidnt Bush. The article describes how Obama is overturning the policy that Bush established around stem cells. The second article is from a foreign paper but it describes how treaties have been made with Iraq that have considerably decreased the amount of violence and Obama wants to work similar bonds with Afghanistan. Strengths: 1. Posses the will to not always take the easy way out in order to do best for the country 2. Has the courage to overwrite the decisions that Bush made that he does not agree with 3. Obama is in no way allowing himself to dwell in Bush's image 4. He knows that there are neccesary sacrifices that must be taken in order to accomplish the goals set in his campeign 5. Obama has a great ability to provide hope and a fealling of security Weaknesses: 1. He is lacking the ability to assure the succes of his actions 2. Making pure gut decisions 3. Not apperant to whether on not these events and decisions will sway the underexperienced politician from that of which the american people voted for 4. By changing Bush's actions too quickly could cause a massive panic and it must be done patiently and calmly
Strengths Presented in the Article 1. She was a symbol of democracy and a new age coming to Pakistan. (The First Woman even to lead a modern Islamic state.) [2]
2. Bhutto fought for the equality and freedom of the people. (Swiftly resolved civil liberties and political freedom suspended under military rule.) [2]
3. She continually struggled to bring democracy into Pakistan. (She fought against and was defiant of the Military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.)[2]
4. Once in power, Bhutto continually worked to ensure better lives for her people. (When it was brought to Bhutto’s attention that an air pilot makes less than a taxi driver, she provided a 500 percent increase and a clause that would increase the pilots’ payments every year to keep up with the inflation) [3]
5. Bhutto was extremely passionate in her work for a better Pakistan. (Put under house arrest by the military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, and was later held in solitary confinement for her beliefs.) [2]
Weaknesses Presented in the Article 1. She abused the trust of her people. (Along with her husband, Bhutto was accused of stealing 1 million dollars and was brought on trial for charges of corruption.) [1]
2. Bhutto did not stick to her ideals. (After her corruption charges, Bhutto requested that Musharraf to bypass the courts and drop the charges-going against her the very ideas of democracy that she was fighting for) [1]
3. Her promises did not always seem legitimate. (Bhutto promised to end fundamentalism and terrorism in Pakistan, yet the Taliban government had run Afghanistan in the past and was recognized in Pakistan by the previous government.) [1]
4. Benazir Bhutto’s past seems concealed and kept away from the people of Pakistan. (While Benazir Bhutto was prime minister, her uncle, who was an outspoken opponent of Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated by the Pakistani police, along with six other men. Bhutto’s role in the assassinations was never adequately revealed.) [1]
5. Her promises and her actions to follow through do not seem to correspond together. (Bhutto had promised to bring democracy into Pakistan, yet she was asking to be brought into power by a military dictator.) [1]
What are the legitimate strengths and weaknesses?
1. Bhutto was a symbol of democracy and a new age. Benazir Bhutto was the first ever woman to be elected in a modern Islamic state. Often times in Islamic countries women are not provided with the same opportunities that their male counterparts receive. So for Bhutto to have brought hope and united a people together like this is an incredible task for her to have undergone.
2. Bhutto was extremely passionate in her work for a better Pakistan. Not only did Bhutto willingly take on the weight of her father’s work after his death, but she also underwent incredible odds to succeed. She was put under house arrest, solitary confinement, and even faced assassination attempts; all for the cause that she believed would benefit the people.
3. Bhutto tried to ensure better lives for her people. After learning of the conditions of air pilots, Benazir Bhutto acted swiftly to give them better benefits and higher salaries. After coming into power Bhutto also made sure to give civil liberties and released the political prisoners of the previous dictatorship government.
4. Bhutto’s promises and actions did not always correspond together. Although Bhutto made promises of bringing justice and democracy to Pakistan, she was requesting that she be put into power by the military dictator Musharraf. Instead of trying to win the office through the power of the people that trusted and supported her, she was seeking means of getting into power that went against the very essence of what she was claiming to represent.
5. Bhutto did not stick to her ideals. When faced with charged of corruption, Bhutto requested that the military dictator Musharraf override the courts and drop the allegations. Instead of trusting the system where the people would be represented, Bhutto turned her back on her ideas, instead choosing the easier of two paths, but giving up her ideas on her way.
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not?
There is a definite a bias on the articles 1 and 3. In article 1, the writer of the paper is the niece of Bhutto whose father got assassinated by the police while Bhutto had been prime minister. It is obvious to the reader that the author believes Bhutto to be responsible for her fathers death, and that she believes Bhutto to be unfit to rule and untrustworthy. In article 3, the writer was had been an air pilot during the regime of Benazir Bhutto. Under her rule, air pilots had enjoyed a 500% increase in their salary and a clause that raised their salary every year in order to keep up with the rising inflation. Unlike the author of article 1, it is obvious that the author of article 3 believes Bhutto to be a very trustworthy leader who is able to tune into the needs of the people.
Strengths to Vladimir Putin: 1. hard working 2. Patriotic 3. confident 4. Shrewd 5. Ingratiating Weaknesses of Vladimir Putin: 1. undemocratic instincts 2. Dictatorial tendencies 3. Alliance to KGB 4. He is not very tolerant of criticism. 5. A bit too full of himself Legitimate strengths and weaknesses 1. Not very Tolerant of criticism because he has put journalists in jail for going against him (writing negative articles about his administration). 2. Patriotic because you wouldn't work so hard for your country if you didn't love it and want it to succeed so of course he is patriotic. 3. He is a follower in some respects to the values of the old soviet union. He doesn't really believe in free speech which is very much like old Russia 4. He is very ruthless because is a very cut throat businessman 5.
There was some bias things in the american article( ). It was saying that he was a great leader and a great person while that may be true it has not been proven and so it is an opinion. Thus the article is bias. The BBC article on Putin however was not bias. It basically just stated the facts and the author didn't really voice his opinion so that article was unbiased.
Strengths of Barrack Obama: 1) Obama comes from humble roots 2) A very important quality is that he cares for the entire human race 3) He has a world of perspective 4) Barrack Obama has high standards/ expectations for himself and the United States 5) His intelligence helps is performance as the president dramatically
Weaknesses of Barrack Obama: 1) Obama has a liberal bias 2) He has many moments of indecisiveness 3) He does not have a lot of experience especially when in control of the entire nation 4) Instead of focusing on his own campaign and qualities, Obama focused on attacking the other candidates 5) His voting records show how he sometimes does not do what the majority of America wants.
Legitimate Strengths and weaknesses: 1) Cares for human race: This quality is important because the president must want to help his people who elected him 2) High Standards: A president should strive to better his country and to do so, you must have high standards 3) Lack of experience: When you are in control of the United States, you must know what you are doing. Experience is needed to have that knowledge 4) Intelligent: Intelligence can make all the difference when you are running the nation. His ability to think in great depth may even help him get through the fact that he does not have much experience 5) Indecisiveness: When under pressure, you must know how to act and have to respond. If you panic under the pressure, your indecisiveness will work against you Bias Towards Obama? There is a great deal of bias towards Barrack Obama. Especially because he is African American, some people in the U.S. can't see him as the president. Although the racial bias is what goes most noticed, everyone has some people who are bias towards them because of their ideas. Unfortunately for Obama, he must fight through both.
4. Charismatic about then situations that America faces.
5. Inspiring when delivering a speech.
1. Inexperienced in the political system.
2. Audacious for trying to run against one of the best-known senators.
3. Has a mixed-race parentage and with Hussein as his middle name.
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses:
1. Cares about the state of the United States which is why he tried to enforce the stimulus package.
2. Not being experienced enough as a political party member costs him the lack of knowledge which he will gain has he ages.
3. Determined to win through the favored former first lady while being an African American.
4. Bold and doesn't hold back on anything he has to say but at the same time keeping the state of the United States economy and government in tact with what he has to say.
5. A bit overconfident in speach
Two different articles about Barrack Obama were used. While one consisted of information supporting Obama, the other, maintaining a bias, bashed him a bit. The reason behind this is that the articles come from different sources, which differs the opinions between the two.
Strengths of Silvio Berlusconi
1. He passed a law to keep a girl in a coma alive. This has brought much controversy to his name.
2. He believes that no one should have the plug pulled on them
3. He has received much backing from the pope and the Vatican in this issue and sides with the Vatican a lot
4. He is a symbol of hope for Italy as he was not born into riches but made his fortune by himself
5. He has not quit getting elected three different times to the office of Prime Minister of Italy
Weaknesses of Silvio Berlusconi
1. Owns T.V stations and when he creates controversy he makes a lot of money off of the controversy
2. He is portrayed by sum as someone who is in politics for the money
3. The girl’s father who was in a coma wanted to pull the plug and Berlusconi did not follow his wishes
4. He has been brought up on corruption charges six times, but acquitted all of the time
5. He has had plastic surgery
Legitimate Strength/Weaknesses
1. Greedy- benefits from his controversies by broadcasting it on his T.V stations
2. Cold Hearted- The girl’s father wanted the plug pull so he could move on with his life but he did not follow his wishes
3. Persistent- Elected three time to office after he lost a few times
4. Corruptible- Corruption controversies always surround him
5. Hard Working- Built his fortune by him self
These articles are not bias towards Italy’s prime minister because they simply present the facts in these articles.
"Profile: Silvio Berlusconi ." BBC. 15 April 2008 . 9 Mar 2009>.
aloisi, Silvia. "Italy's PM seeks law to keep comatose woman alive." International Herald Tribune. February 8, 2009.>.
From the two articles, the two “admirable” leaders are Obama and Adrian Peterson. Both of them are committed to doing what’s best for them and what’s best for the whole team. In this case, Obama is trying to unify the whole world into one. As Peterson is helping his football have faith in them and win games. In Obama’s article, Obama is committed to help Afghanistan and all its war problems. Obama shows great leadership and he listens to all the concerns. "Yesterday, Mr. Obama accepted and approved the path of peace and talks with those Afghan Taliban who he called moderates," (Salahuddin). If a great leader listen, then he’s not only great but he can drive this new nation in a new direction. In Peterson’s article, as a young man, he is quickly growing to be a great leader. To help win a game in less than 2 minutes, gives him and his whole team respect towards him. Not only showing that he’s great, but his whole team and state. As himself he knows he helps a lot, "And there's nothing wrong with that because you've got guys that listen. Even older guys sit there and listen to things you say. I just want to get those guys wired up." (Krawczynski). These leaders show commitment and sacrifice to everyone. I do not believe there’s a biased towards the person. They are trying to help out everyone.
Strengths for Obama/ Peterson
1.Both have great commitment towards what they do.
2.Obama is great listener and cares about other country that are in need for help.
3.Peterson drives the team to the best.
4.Helps out in a better way.
5.Is trustable and other foreign countries can trust US as a whole nation.
Weaknesses for Obama/Peterson
1.Over powering- can lead to self centeredness
2.Dependability- can Obama change it this way?
3.War like- would foreign countries fight again.
4.Lasting- would Peterson last as long as he can
5.Motivation- do they both have the power to stay.
Barack Obama shows many strengths and few weaknesses in hi political image. He is a loving father and Husband. Obama will do things that do not just better his own life but better the lives of others. No these articles are not bias because they come from foreign newspapers.
1. He is a symbol to the black movement for equal rights
2. He believes in stem cell research
3. Intelligent in his ideas
4. Shows Optimism
5. Has the ability to treat other with equal opportunities
1. will obama really change every thing
2. will obama pass through the pressure and have the ability to stay for more than 1 term
3. what other countries think of him
4. will he become different from the man that people voted for
Leader: Hassan al-Turabi
1. Was a key ally with Bashir
2. Leading advocate for imposition of Islamic law
3. Central figure in Sudan for decades
4. Leader of the Bloodless Coup in 1889
5. Wanted to help the people in Darfur
1. Linked to Islamism rebel justice equality movement
2. Supporter of Osama Bin Ladan
3. Was arrested for a press comment about former ally Bashir
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses
1. He is a strong caring advocate for Sudan.
2. Cares about the equality of others
3. Wants equal right for all
3. Doesn’t always know how to handle situations
4. Speaks his mind weather it be good or bad;
The author seems more bias towards the favor of Turabi. In the article, not much bad is said but the good things are stated more often.
Sudan. Islamist leader released BBC News One Minuet Real News. 9 March 2009. BBC News.9 Mar . 2009 Http://
Leader: Barack Obama
1. Time magazine describes Obama as "an American political phenomenon"
2. Obama has a clear and calm speaking method
3. Respects peoples intelligence.
4. Obama gives benefits for the poor and unemployed
5. Time magazine describes Obama's methods as "pushing the process along, streamlines it"
1. CNN describes his weakness with foreign affairs
2. Becomes to much of a friend to the crowds, rather than a leader
3. Seems like a celebrity to the people
4. Filibusters his speeches
Legitimate strengths and Weaknesses:
1. Obama has a clear and calm speaking style-That is an essential when being a president
2. Filibusters his speeches-Although he speaks well, it is not good to filibuster
3. Obama gives benefits for the poor and unemployed-That will be a huge help for him in his presidency
4. Foreign Affairs-He definitely wants good relations with other countries
5. Too friendly with crowds-It is good to be friendly with crowds but you want to be a leader, not so much of a friend.
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not?
Yes, so many newspapers and other things are extremely biased, especially with politics. So there are many for and against Obama
Strengths of Vladimir Putin
1. Successfully removed the KGB government from power.
2.Confident in every action he makes.
3.Clear about his beliefs.
4.Put Russia's stock market in the top three best performing in the world.
5.Sees terrorism as a profound threat to the world.
1.Can be boastful.
2.Comes off as a very aggressive person.
3.Did person of the year get to his head?
Legitimate Strengths and Weaknesses
1.Confidence provides him with a way of motivating others.
2.Aggressiveness and somewhat rudeness could scare others.
3.Demonstrates power(removing KGB from government).
4.Turned Russia in to a much better country.
5.Is more feared than seen as a celebrity (like Obama).
The two articles I found were in no way bias towards Putin; one of them was from an American Magazine.
"Person Of The Year." TIME 2007.
Nash, Roland. "Putin's Strength." New York Times 31 May 2003.
Leader: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
1. The first women ever elected President in Africa
2. Believes in equal rights for woman
3. Strongly fights for educational opportunity's for people in her country of Liberia.
4. Served as a Liberian Cabinet Minister in the 1970's
5. Senior United Nations administrator in the 1990's
1. Will President Sirleaf ever be able to put the country of Liberia back together again?
2. Has little aid from foreign countries
3. Is forced to not upset donor countries, and has little power over the aid that they give
Legitimate strengths/weaknesses:
1. Bravery- was imprisoned for opposing the military rule of Samuel Doe
2. Determination- Has fought for equal rights of women many years
3. Intelligence- Fled her impoverished country of Liberia and received a Harvard education
There is no bias towards President Sirleaf. The article simply praises all that she has done for her country.
Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas of Palestine.
1. Negotiator: Can negotiate and communicate about the problems of Gaza to the UN and USA for help needed.
2. Committed: A leading figure in the student movement before graduating from Islamic University and entering politics.
3. Hospitable: within days of being elected, offered long-term peace if Israel recognized Palestine as an independent state on 1967 borders.
4. Thinking independently: Hamas had a pool of talent that might have governed wisely given the chance. He was assassinated soon after being elected.
5. Popularity: Hama's popularity stems largely from its social, educational and health care programs.
1. Hypocrite: Many people are sick of the hypocrisy and double standards of how the government is run in Palestine.
2. Fulfilling obligation: Failure to deliver justice in the Holy Land
3. Immoral: Despite no Israelis being harmed, Israel used these harmless and rocket and mortars and mortar attacks as an excuse to obliterate and the defenseless Palestinians.
4. Indecisive: When Israel refused to meet the humanitarian demands, Haniyeh and Hamas refused to continue the truce, as it had promised and as Israel knew would happen.
5. Ignorant: Unaware of Israel's provocations and shrewd manipulation of the facts which allowed them to seem innocent and carry out a diabolical plan to destroy the Palestinians.
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses
1. Selfish; Hamas rejects peace moves that involve more territorial concession.
2. Settle situation with violence instead of peace.
3. Broadcast and take action when attacked.
4. Resistant; the west condemns the charter, which was written well before Hamas had pretensions to government. It was expected that Hamas took a religious inspired resistance movement toward the west.
5. Irresponsible; Ferocious attack on a defenseless Gaza conveys a helpless feeling to the world. President Nicolas Sarkozy was quoted as he "Strongly condemns the irresponsible provocations which led to this situation as well as the disproportionate use of force."
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not?
I thought the article wasn't bias because it had came from the Palestine chronicle newspaper, in which what was said about this leader sounded true and sufficient in understanding how he rule his country.
Lieberman, Dan. "World Leaders Respond Timidly to Gaza Massacre." 28 Dec. 2008. 9 Mar. 2009
Littlewood, Stuart. "Be Fair to Hamas, Mr. Obama." Http: // 25 Feb. 2009. 9 Mar. 2009.
Hamid Karzai: Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths Identified in the Articles:
1. Adaptable
2. Diplomatic
3. Cooperative
4. Resourceful
5. Integrity
Weaknesses Identified in the Articles
1. Submissive
2. Easily Controlled
3. Stuck in the Present
4. Likes to be in Control
5. Blindly Loyal to the Rules
Legitimate Strengths/Weaknesses
1. Resourceful => “Using mainly Sunni Muslim leader to employ locals to patrol their own neighborhoods” (Salahuddin)
2. Integrity => “Karzai, who faces reelection… says that the Taliban should take this opportunity to end the 30 year long war.
3. Cooperative => Working with new president Obama to try to restore balance to Afghanistan.
4. Submissive => Follows along and agrees with Obama’s plans, provides few original ideas for negotiating peace.
5. Blindly Loyal to the rules => Refuses to change constitution, even if it could help the stability and negotiations with the Taliban.
Is there a bias: In the International Herald Tribune, it seemed that Karzai was treated neutrally, with neither emphasis on his strengths or weaknesses. In The New York Times, however put an emphasis on his weaknesses. He was depicted as more power hungry and uncompromising in the American article.
Salahuddin, Sayed. "Afghan leader Karzai backs Obama's call on Taliban." International Herald Tribune 08 03 2009 9 Mar 2009
Oppel, Richard A., and Sangar Rahimi. "Afghan Leader Deflects Talk of Future." The New York Times 07 03 2009 9 Mar 2009
Obama is a very strong willed and driven person. He will do what ever it takes to accomplish the tedious tasks of president in the hope of betering the living conditions and the lacking American economy. The first article is biased but only in the sense of dislike toward Presidnt Bush. The article describes how Obama is overturning the policy that Bush established around stem cells. The second article is from a foreign paper but it describes how treaties have been made with Iraq that have considerably decreased the amount of violence and Obama wants to work similar bonds with Afghanistan.
1. Posses the will to not always take the easy way out in order to do best for the country
2. Has the courage to overwrite the decisions that Bush made that he does not agree with
3. Obama is in no way allowing himself to dwell in Bush's image
4. He knows that there are neccesary sacrifices that must be taken in order to accomplish the goals set in his campeign
5. Obama has a great ability to provide hope and a fealling of security
1. He is lacking the ability to assure the succes of his actions
2. Making pure gut decisions
3. Not apperant to whether on not these events and decisions will sway the underexperienced politician from that of which the american people voted for
4. By changing Bush's actions too quickly could cause a massive panic and it must be done patiently and calmly
Strengths Presented in the Article
1. She was a symbol of democracy and a new age coming to Pakistan.
(The First Woman even to lead a modern Islamic state.) [2]
2. Bhutto fought for the equality and freedom of the people.
(Swiftly resolved civil liberties and political freedom suspended under military rule.) [2]
3. She continually struggled to bring democracy into Pakistan.
(She fought against and was defiant of the Military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.)[2]
4. Once in power, Bhutto continually worked to ensure better lives for her people.
(When it was brought to Bhutto’s attention that an air pilot makes less than a taxi driver, she provided a 500 percent increase and a clause that would increase the pilots’ payments every year to keep up with the inflation) [3]
5. Bhutto was extremely passionate in her work for a better Pakistan.
(Put under house arrest by the military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, and was later held in solitary confinement for her beliefs.) [2]
Weaknesses Presented in the Article
1. She abused the trust of her people.
(Along with her husband, Bhutto was accused of stealing 1 million dollars and was brought on trial for charges of corruption.) [1]
2. Bhutto did not stick to her ideals.
(After her corruption charges, Bhutto requested that Musharraf to bypass the courts and drop the charges-going against her the very ideas of democracy that she was fighting for) [1]
3. Her promises did not always seem legitimate.
(Bhutto promised to end fundamentalism and terrorism in Pakistan, yet the Taliban government had run Afghanistan in the past and was recognized in Pakistan by the previous government.) [1]
4. Benazir Bhutto’s past seems concealed and kept away from the people of Pakistan.
(While Benazir Bhutto was prime minister, her uncle, who was an outspoken opponent of Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated by the Pakistani police, along with six other men. Bhutto’s role in the assassinations was never adequately revealed.) [1]
5. Her promises and her actions to follow through do not seem to correspond together.
(Bhutto had promised to bring democracy into Pakistan, yet she was asking to be brought into power by a military dictator.) [1]
What are the legitimate strengths and weaknesses?
1. Bhutto was a symbol of democracy and a new age. Benazir Bhutto was the first ever woman to be elected in a modern Islamic state. Often times in Islamic countries women are not provided with the same opportunities that their male counterparts receive. So for Bhutto to have brought hope and united a people together like this is an incredible task for her to have undergone.
2. Bhutto was extremely passionate in her work for a better Pakistan. Not only did Bhutto willingly take on the weight of her father’s work after his death, but she also underwent incredible odds to succeed. She was put under house arrest, solitary confinement, and even faced assassination attempts; all for the cause that she believed would benefit the people.
3. Bhutto tried to ensure better lives for her people. After learning of the conditions of air pilots, Benazir Bhutto acted swiftly to give them better benefits and higher salaries. After coming into power Bhutto also made sure to give civil liberties and released the political prisoners of the previous dictatorship government.
4. Bhutto’s promises and actions did not always correspond together. Although Bhutto made promises of bringing justice and democracy to Pakistan, she was requesting that she be put into power by the military dictator Musharraf. Instead of trying to win the office through the power of the people that trusted and supported her, she was seeking means of getting into power that went against the very essence of what she was claiming to represent.
5. Bhutto did not stick to her ideals. When faced with charged of corruption, Bhutto requested that the military dictator Musharraf override the courts and drop the allegations. Instead of trusting the system where the people would be represented, Bhutto turned her back on her ideas, instead choosing the easier of two paths, but giving up her ideas on her way.
Is there a bias towards the person? Why or why not?
There is a definite a bias on the articles 1 and 3. In article 1, the writer of the paper is the niece of Bhutto whose father got assassinated by the police while Bhutto had been prime minister. It is obvious to the reader that the author believes Bhutto to be responsible for her fathers death, and that she believes Bhutto to be unfit to rule and untrustworthy. In article 3, the writer was had been an air pilot during the regime of Benazir Bhutto. Under her rule, air pilots had enjoyed a 500% increase in their salary and a clause that raised their salary every year in order to keep up with the rising inflation. Unlike the author of article 1, it is obvious that the author of article 3 believes Bhutto to be a very trustworthy leader who is able to tune into the needs of the people.
Strengths to Vladimir Putin:
1. hard working
2. Patriotic
3. confident
4. Shrewd
5. Ingratiating
Weaknesses of Vladimir Putin:
1. undemocratic instincts
2. Dictatorial tendencies
3. Alliance to KGB
4. He is not very tolerant of criticism.
5. A bit too full of himself
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses
1. Not very Tolerant of criticism because he has put journalists in jail for going against him (writing negative articles about his administration).
2. Patriotic because you wouldn't work so hard for your country if you didn't love it and want it to succeed so of course he is patriotic.
3. He is a follower in some respects to the values of the old soviet union. He doesn't really believe in free speech which is very much like old Russia
4. He is very ruthless because is a very cut throat businessman
There was some bias things in the american article( ). It was saying that he was a great leader and a great person while that may be true it has not been proven and so it is an opinion. Thus the article is bias. The BBC article on Putin however was not bias. It basically just stated the facts and the author didn't really voice his opinion so that article was unbiased.
Strengths of Barrack Obama:
1) Obama comes from humble roots
2) A very important quality is that he cares for the entire human race
3) He has a world of perspective
4) Barrack Obama has high standards/ expectations for himself and the United States
5) His intelligence helps is performance as the president dramatically
Weaknesses of Barrack Obama:
1) Obama has a liberal bias
2) He has many moments of indecisiveness
3) He does not have a lot of experience especially when in control of the entire nation
4) Instead of focusing on his own campaign and qualities, Obama focused on attacking the other candidates
5) His voting records show how he sometimes does not do what the majority of America wants.
Legitimate Strengths and weaknesses:
1) Cares for human race: This quality is important because the president must want to help his people who elected him
2) High Standards: A president should strive to better his country and to do so, you must have high standards
3) Lack of experience: When you are in control of the United States, you must know what you are doing. Experience is needed to have that knowledge
4) Intelligent: Intelligence can make all the difference when you are running the nation. His ability to think in great depth may even help him get through the fact that he does not have much experience
5) Indecisiveness: When under pressure, you must know how to act and have to respond. If you panic under the pressure, your indecisiveness will work against you
Bias Towards Obama?
There is a great deal of bias towards Barrack Obama. Especially because he is African American, some people in the U.S. can't see him as the president. Although the racial bias is what goes most noticed, everyone has some people who are bias towards them because of their ideas. Unfortunately for Obama, he must fight through both.
Leader: Barrack Obama
1. Support of the people as a whole.
2. Determined to lead America to a better future.
3. Bold about what he states.
4. Charismatic about then situations that America faces.
5. Inspiring when delivering a speech.
1. Inexperienced in the political system.
2. Audacious for trying to run against one of the best-known senators.
3. Has a mixed-race parentage and with Hussein as his middle name.
Legitimate strengths and weaknesses:
1. Cares about the state of the United States which is why he tried to enforce the stimulus package.
2. Not being experienced enough as a political party member costs him the lack of knowledge which he will gain has he ages.
3. Determined to win through the favored former first lady while being an African American.
4. Bold and doesn't hold back on anything he has to say but at the same time keeping the state of the United States economy and government in tact with what he has to say.
5. A bit overconfident in speach
Two different articles about Barrack Obama were used. While one consisted of information supporting Obama, the other, maintaining a bias, bashed him a bit. The reason behind this is that the articles come from different sources, which differs the opinions between the two.,28804,1595326_1615513_1615496,00.html,28804,1733748_1733757_1735564,00.html
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