Friday, November 14, 2008

What in the Dickens is this?

In the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, our characters are dealing with the effects of war, and civil chaos amongst an ever changing world. The effects are startling. People mistreating other people based on the side in which they are standing. Thus, the question:
  • How can people commit evil deeds, even murder, towards others w/o feeling ashamed or awful about the deed they imposed on another?

Possible helping thoughts are:

  • Motivation- what could it be?
  • Separation of emotion from action. How could that happen?
  • What emotional state must one be in to be able to hurt others?


Unknown said...

People commit murder/ evil deeds towards others because they want to hide the identity and make the struggle within everybody diminish. The person who committed murder would probably be ashamed and guilty that he would want to be murdered. But if the other person does, then they would feel guilty leading to a domino effect of people dying. The motivation just keeps on going and it can't be stopped.

Joe said...

Sometimes in life, people have virtually been detached from their own emotions. This occurs when wrong has been done to them by another person, or when they have witnessed a truly traumatizing event. The loss of emotions hardens the person, and helps them deal with their pain. Once they have lost their emotions, their judgment as to what they should do is obscured because they can't feel what the person on the receiving end feels. When did this chain of lost emotions start? No one will ever know, but traces of its unforgiving and eternal pain will always be part of the world in which we live.

john said...

People in this world that we live in commit evil deeds such as stealing and killing because of the desire to gain money, power, and respect. This is the motivation behind most crimes. It is in our culture that if you have money and power that you will be happy. This is not always true and Dickens writes about this in Great Expectations. People who will hurt others for money or power are blinded by the light. They don’t see that ether of those things will not make them truly happy. To hurt others, the state of mind that one must be in is vengeful. They think by hurting others will better themselves but it will not.

FitretY said...

There are many reasons why people commit evil deeds towards each other. In order to commit a crime against one another without feeling any sense of shame however, the people must either be unable to experience any sorts of human emotions, or must be detached from what they are doing. Since it is unlikely that we as humans, do not have regular emotions, the same as every other living creature, then the explanation for why people are evil towards each other is that they feel detached from what they are doing. In order to reach this state of mind people must feel that what they are doing is right. They have to feel that the act which they are committing serves the greater good, therefore the end result outweighs the means of getting there. Another way that people can feel detached from their victim is by thinking of them not as a human being, but an animal that deserves slaughtering. If we all thought about each other as humans who felt the same way that we did, it would be much harder for us to inflict pain upon other because we would feel the pain of what we were doing as well. However is we think of each other as so much more different, than we can feel more detached from our subjects. An example of this is during the Rwanda genocide. The Hutus would often call the Tutsis “cockroaches”, thus making them inhuman and more animal like. In order to commit evil towards each other we must be able to detach ourselves form our victims and think of them as much more different from ourselves, whether this be the case or not.

Anonymous said...

If a person commits an evil deed and has no emotional regret at all, it could be due to a few things. This can happen because of the environment someone is raised in. If a person is brought up to believe that a certain type of people are worthless, then if that person kills someone who is "worthless" then emotional regret might not be there simply because thats how they were raised. Another reason this might happen is if someone witnessed an evil deed done upon someone they loved when they were very young. After witnessing this event the person could kill and not show regret for two reasons. This first is that they might be seeking revenge, and they have been drained of they emotions and don't show regret. The other reason is that the event witnessed has scared them, now they believe that killing is just part of life. Therefor if they kill they might not be ashamed of what they have done because they don't know that what they did as wrong. Evil deeds can be committed for many reasons. Some people who commit they may be in a state of rage or in a state of obliviousness. They may not know what their doing or not care what their doing.

William Gould said...

In life people commit evil or wrong deeds because they themselves have been wronged. When people experience evil they develop the need to do wrong to others. Once they get to this point their emotions no longer matter and they act only on instinct. In order for a person to truly hurt another they must be totally unattached from their emotions.

Alex said...

There can be several different reasons for someone to commit an evil deed and no feel any emotion to it. The murderer or what ever they are could be so angry at another person that the only emotion that shows is anger. All their other emotions disappear. Another reason for people to commit evil deeds would be because evil deeds were committed against them. With so much hate against them, they stop to think like a good person and just think how to get back at the people that hurt them. If the murderer did feel emotions then that would be a different case. Feeling emotions when you do an evil deed like that and not showing them out is not a good thing either. That would make the person a little crazy. Bottling up your emotions in those times would be a bad thing.

Unknown said...

People commit evil deeds every day. In the news all you hear about are murders, robberies, fighting, making fun of others ect. People do bad things for many different reasons. In some cases it’s a rivalry or pure hatred for someone else. It could be gang related or even pure insanity. Some people don’t feel guilty or upset on the inside because they are cold hearted. Some people are just mean to others have severe emotional issues. Many times adults that were abused when growing up do bad things to others. They feel the need to be mad at the world because of what happened to them when they were younger

will said...

people kill people over the smallest of things. over a cause brother will fight sister, father will fight mother etc. due to the constant killing in times of war and even the killings in times of peace there has to be a motivation. in my opinion motivation for delivering death can be many things whether it be that the person wants revenge or if the person is crazy. people kill for food, lust, love, just to kill for fun, life, and for lies

Unknown said...

In order to commit murder, one's emotional state must be very clouded. The person would have to be so overwhelmed by grief, anger, or fear that they would not be able to make decisions. Also, the person may be desperate. For example, they may have robbed a store and the clerk was dialing 911, so they had no alternative except to shoot the clerk. The convict may have simply not had enough time to think about his decisions logically, and was under pressure to quickly make a decision. Also, when a wrong of anykind is committed to someone, the person will want revenge. The person will not be able to think normally about their decision, because they will be so consumed by anger. Finally, the killing or other crime could be impulsive, and the comitter could have not actually wanted to do it.


matt said...

People commit evil deeds towards other people because some people are so angry about what is going on that they commit acts without even thinking. Other people could be "brain washed" by the media that they think that what other people believe is so bad that they feel the need that those people should die. Most people must be in some state of anger in order for a person to commit evil deeds and if they are not angered, chances are the person is insane.

Isaac said...

Apparently they must have some reason. A very obvious reason would be that they lost everything. They could be their judgement is clouded by their feelings, like recieving an unforgivable insult (that's a little extreme). Or maybe it's just for money or devotion to a higher party. We see it all the time in fantasy stories. A mastermind would probably kill (indirectly) for power, respect, or something material. If they don't have a reason, then it's highly likely they're sadistic and/or insane.

j.rose said...

Evil actions occur very often in the world we live in. People can commit these wretched deeds for multiple reasons. The most plausible explanation behind an evil deed is revenge. Most murders are triggered by something small. This could vary from an insult to egging a car. After committing the evil deed, the person most likely would feel that they have a justified reason for what they did, but they are clouded. I presume most murders are impulse decisions. If you plan out a murder, you are probably clinically insane.

Another possible motivation to commit an evil deed is money. The world we live in today is controlled by money. Sadly, there are people who will murder somebody just to stay alive.

Nick said...

Revenge is the main reason why people can gather enough anger and hatred to commit murder and hurt others. Revenge is the force that compels someone to regain there dignity and in some cases this will lead to devastating catastrophes, such as murder. The case in which revenge leads to deaths is a very tragic and disastrous journey. Often there is a struggle between two opposing forces and one always seems to pull out on top. This could drive the other force mad causing him to do something that is not truly meant, like killing his foe. In order to kill with no feeling against the victim though is a very unlikely and rare occurrence. The one plausible example would only be a person that has no feelings. He just does not care about anyone or anything except for himself and his well being. The only people that you would be able to find like these would be terrorists and complete psychos.

Abz Gingrande said...
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Abz Gingrande said...

What is inhumanity? The definition of inhumanity is the lack of pity or compassion; a cruel act. Many of us these days take upon situations just for revenge or hatred toward others. We tend to act on our behaviors to resolved unresolved feelings inside of us. We perform the brutal act without emotion and empathy, because are feelings and thoughts become numb and psychologically reverse to the state of mind of a killer. There are many reasons why people commit such brutal and unsympathetic acts. Some of these acts are some people hurt others for kicks. Really, there are people who experience a sense of euphoria when they inflict pain on others; they derive pleasure from other people’s sufferings. Some people maliciously hurt others as an act of vengeance. This, I think, is the most logical reason behind the need to cause others to suffer – to get even for some reasons, real or imagined. Some people get manipulated to hurt others. People come in different shapes and sizes. There are the “dictator” types who think that they own people and those they could impose on them. Some people are oblivious to the fact that they’re hurting others. Call it lack of sensitivity, if you must, but some people can be tactless sometimes they hurt others without really meaning to. Like a broken promise. Some people allow others to hurt them. Though it’s hard to admit, we’re sometimes responsible for how people treat us.

mirrorbender said...

People can do some unimaginably terrible things, and amazingly, feel no remorse or guilt for what they have done. This is especially true in environments where crimes such as murder have become common, for instance in wartime. If crimes and evil deeds are part of an environment where a person exists, that can cause a person to feel like there is nothing out of the ordinary about their actions, even if most would view it as a horrible atrocity. People that have become too accustomed to evil see an evil deed as nothing out of the ordinary, and feel no remorse about committing evil acts. Also, if a person feels that there was a good reason behind their evil actions, then they are justified, but often, they are just lying to themselves about their justification, just so that they can escape the guilt that they would normally feel.

Unknown said...

There are many reasons why people commit evil crimes.Every person has a different internal reason for there actions, it could be for survival, love, desire, for the fun or it, or to cover up something. Revenge is a popular reason for people that commit these deeds, and the only way that they can find peace within is to get even. If someone is unhappy with themselves or the people that they are surrounded by, then this can casue someone to do horrible things such as murder, rape, making fun of people ect. When people are angry,upset, or insane this can cause them to enter a state of mind where they dont feel any guilt or feel ashamed of the evils that they have committed.

Alex Worcester said...

People commit evil deeds when they believe deep in their heart that this deed will help them or a group of people. Also people can commit evil deeds to others when they are taught from an early age that it is ok to do that evil deed. This is what happened with the nazis. The nazis were just German boys and men but they were hypnotized into thinking that killing jews was alright and so they did without mercy. They didn't feel ashamed of what they had done because no one was telling them what they were doing was wrong. To feel ashamed someone has to show you what was wrong with your actions either directly telling you or indirectly implying that your actions were shameful. You must be in a sort of insecure state to be able to hurt others. Insecure with something. The nazis were insecure about there own race being dominated by Jews so then they were capable of hurting others. The separation of emotion from action happens right as the incident occurs. the person hurting the other goes into sort of a blind trance were all they can focus on is teaching the victim the lesson or carrying out the lesson they were told to do or to follow. Then once they carry out the evil deed they are naive and believe to themselves that they have done something good for society or for themselves. In reality they have hurt themselves and scared their egos for life even if they don't realize it now.

Cherag said...

People commit evil deeds, even murder, towards others w/o feeling ashamed or awful about the deed they imposed on another because at that time, their mental state may not be the best, and their might be getting pushed by another force weather it may be within or without. Experiencing a loss, or maybe a demise of oneself by another might, infuriate the inner soul to do something without common consent of anyone.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

There are various reasons why people commit evil deeds and feel no remorse. One of those reasons can be the environment on which the person was raised in. If the person was raised with people who think violence is the way to get power, your name and control, this person is going to believe this and do actions that follow the footsteps of those. Another reason could be revenge. If a person experienced an evil deed being committed to a loved one or themselves, it can lead the person feeling hatred and desire to retaliate.